Damsels In Distress (2001)

GamePlan World Premiere: 24 May 2001
FlatSpin World Premiere: 3 July 2001
RolePlay World Premiere: 4 September 2001
Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough
Damsels In Distress London Premiere: 7 September 2002
Venue: Duchess Theatre, London
Play Numbers: 58 - 60
Published: Samuel French (GamePlan, FlatSpin, RolePlay)
Other Media: No
Short Synopsis: Damsels In Distress is a trilogy of plays comprising GamePlan, FlatSpin & RolePlay. The plays are connected thematically but do not share the same plot or characters. Each play features the same company of actors and shares the same set of a Docklands apartment in London.
Amateur: Apply to Concord Theatricals or Casarotto Ramsay (USA / Canada only).
Professional: Apply to Casarotto Ramsay.
Damsels in Distress (GamePlan) quote
"We're all children underneath, Sorrel. Didn't you know that? We appear to grow older - visibly anyway - our faces sag, our boobs droop, our bums drop, but the irony is that inside we all feel the same as we always did. It's other people that change us."
Damsels in Distress
All research and original material in the Damsels in Distress section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email: archive@alanayckbourn.net

The Damsels in Distress sections of the website are supported by John & Linda Sutton.